Introducing DataWave: An Open-Source Tool for IoT Messaging and Data Generation

Gibin Francis
3 min readJun 30, 2023
Data Wave

Introduction: In the world of IoT development, efficient messaging and data generation are crucial. However, finding a tool that simplifies these tasks can be a challenge. That’s where DataWave comes in. Developed by Gibin Francis, DataWave is an open-source application designed to streamline the process of sending and receiving messages using popular queuing technologies such as IoTHub, EventHub, Service Bus, and MQTT. This blog post introduces DataWave, highlights its key features, and provides information on how to get started.

Key Features of DataWave:

  1. Simplified Message Queuing: DataWave allows developers to send messages to various queuing technologies effortlessly. Whether you’re working with IoTHub, EventHub, Service Bus, or MQTT, DataWave provides a unified interface to send data efficiently.
  2. Data Generation Templates: Generating random data is often necessary during development and testing. DataWave offers ten different data generation templates to suit your needs, including random strings, integer sequences, double values, booleans, GUIDs, and various time formats (local, epoch, epoch milliseconds).
  3. Customizable Message Templates: With DataWave, you can create message templates using variables and dynamic values. This feature enables you to generate messages that closely resemble real-world data scenarios and adapt them to your specific requirements.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: DataWave provides a user-friendly web-based interface that makes it easy to configure message settings, define templates, and monitor message queues. The intuitive design ensures a seamless experience for developers of all levels of expertise.

Getting Started with DataWave: To start using DataWave, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the DataWave documentation page at to gain a comprehensive understanding of the tool’s capabilities and usage.
  2. Download the latest release of DataWave from the GitHub repository at
  3. Set up the required dependencies and prerequisites as outlined in the documentation.
  4. Follow the installation instructions provided in the repository to deploy DataWave.
  5. Once DataWave is up and running, access the web-based interface and explore the various features, including message queuing, data generation, and template customization.

Contributing and Bug Reporting: DataWave is an open-source project, and contributions from the developer community are highly encouraged. If you find DataWave useful and encounter any bugs or have ideas for improvement, don’t hesitate to contribute or report issues. Visit the GitHub repository at to contribute, submit bug reports, or share your ideas.

Conclusion: DataWave is a valuable open-source tool for developers working with IoT, microservices, and messaging queues. With its ability to simplify message queuing and provide extensive data generation options, DataWave enhances the development process and facilitates testing. Give DataWave a try, explore its features, and contribute to its growth. By leveraging this tool, you can streamline your IoT development workflow and improve overall efficiency.



Gibin Francis

Technical guy interested in MIcrosoft Technologies, IoT, Azure, Docker, UI framework, and more